Tuesday, June 30, 2009

long time no comment

Hello my friends
I am not good at keeping up with this. I am very busy, usually with random things, probably things that don't really matter. I am very busy with all the new stuff my sister has gotten me interested in, postcrossing and swap-bots. There are so many really cool things to do out there.

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Day

So, what do you think about the Grammy's? the new President? the Bail out? Pink boots? Deciduous trees?  The Aztec, Inca and Maya???  

Just some thoughts to ponder.  I think time moves very fast and we have very little time to think. My mouth hurts, my son is home (I can hear his car stereo) my cat is a lunatic and I am tired.  So, by all means write back and tell me what you think and ponder on.